Precision-crafted, React Dropzone component is a standout for drag-and-drop uploads. Lightweight and feature-rich, it's designed for both out-of-the-box elegance and personal customization.
Customizable React Dropzone Component
Unleash the power of a sleek React Dropzone: feather-light, fully style-adaptable with built-in image viewing. Experience effortless file validation and a developer-friendly API for unmatched flexibility.
Quick Start
npm install @zbarakzai/dropzone
Effortlessly integrate and test our Dropzone component, ensuring smooth file uploads in any React application.
import { DropZone } from "nebulazone";
function DropZoneExample() {
const [files, setFiles] = useState<File[]>([]);
const onDrop = useCallback(
files: File[],
acceptedFiles: File[],
rejectedFiles: File[],
errors: ValidationError[],
) => {
return (
className="relative border-dashed rounded-md"
First-class developer experience
Experience a top-tier React dropzone component: fully customizable, with built-in error handling and validation for file size and type.
- Name
accept? string
- Type
- Description
Allowed file types image/* | video/* | text/* | application/zip etc.
- Name
className? string
- Type
- Description
The classess you can add.
- Name
allowMultiple? boolean
- Type
- Description
Can handle multiple file uploads in one go.
- Name
maxFileSize? `${number}${ByteUnits}`
- Type
- Description
The maximum allowed file size 4MB | 2KB ect.
- Name
minFileSize? `${number}${ByteUnits}`
- Type
- Description
The minimum allowed file size 4MB | 2KB ect.
- Name
maxTotalFileSize? `${number}${ByteUnits}`
- Type
- Description
The maximum allowed total file size 1GB etc.
- Name
disabled? boolean;
- Type
- Description
Enables the disabled state.
- Name
children? React.ReactNode;
- Type
- Description
The elements that will be rendered as children inside the dropzone.
- Name
onClick?(event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>, inputRef: React.RefObject<HTMLInputElement>) void
- Type
- Description
Callback invoked on click action.
- Name
onDropAccepted? (acceptedFiles: File[]) => void
- Type
- Description
Callback function that activates when the drop operation includes at least one accepted file.
- Name
onDropRejected? (rejectedFiles: File[]) => void
- Type
- Description
Callback function triggered when the drop operation includes at least one file that was rejected.
- Name
onDragOver? () => void
- Type
- Description
Callback triggered during file drag over the designated area.
- Name
onDragEnter? () => void
- Type
- Description
Callback triggered upon the entry of one or more files into the drag area.
- Name
onDragLeave? () => void
- Type
- Description
Callback triggered when one or more files exit the drag area.
- Name
onDrop? (files: File[], acceptedFiles: File[], rejectedFiles: File[], errors: ValidationError[],) => void
- Type
- Description
Callback triggered when files are droped.
- Name
setError? React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>
- Type
- Description
Set error true when the internal hasError changes value.
- Name
setFileEnterZone? React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>
- Type
- Description
Callback to update the state indicating whether a file has entered the drop zone area.
disabled={files.length > 10}
onClick={() => {}}
onDropAccepted={(acceptedFiles: File[]) => {}}
onDropRejected={(rejectedFiles: File[]) => {}}
onDrop={(allFiles: File[], accepted: File[], rejected: File[], error: ValidationError[]) => {}}
onDragEnter={() => {}}
onDragLeave={() => {}}
onDragOver={() => {}}
setError={(err: boolean) => {setError(err)}}
setFileEnterZone={(enter: boolean) => {setEnter(enter)}}
Feature Roadmap
Effortlessly preview various image formats and play dropped videos in our enhanced Dropzone component
Refine visuals effortlessly; CropCraft offers precise image cropping and resizing tailored for perfection.
Refine and redefine with EditEase. Achieve impeccable image edits, rotations, and mirror flips.
NeubulaZone React Dropzone is my embodiment of a lightweight, user-friendly component, enriched with extensive documentation and examples. Proudly open-sourced on GitHub for community contributions.